Saturday 2 July 2016

Dali's triangle in the Empordà

Translated by, Diego Alejandro Perez Delgado.

Only few artist have had so much bound and fascination with their native land like Salvador Dali for the Empordà. He recognized that the Tramontana, the wind that often blew on this Catalan region , was responsible of its «complete madness». In the Empordà he was born, lived and also died. And also at the corner of the province of Girona was exposed most of his legacy, in places which were witnesses of his life and scenarios for his inspiration.

For understanding Dali it is necessary to visit Figueres, the city where he was born and where young Salvador had spent his youth. He came into the world in 1904 at number 6 Monturiol Street where himself, years later, had nicknamed it «Genius Street». Dali was baptized in the church of Sant Pere , located at Homonima street, two apples close to his birthplace. On the same way is found Cataluna's toy Museum where, among porcelain dolls , brass cars and zoetropes there is exposition dedicated to Dali the infant, with many photographs and the inseparable toy of the artist: Marquina the Teddy Bear.

Close to the museum is the Rambla, where its central cafeterias of an adolescent Dali spent hours drawing the life that surrounded him. In one of them, Emporium Café , years later he wrote with Luis Buñuel the script of the movie An Andalusian Dog (1929).

When Dali was young ,he had already made of his life a constant performance and did not get tired of freeing up the extravagance. However, the end of that exhibitionism came to happen when he became mature with the re-conversion that himself directed in the Theater of Figueres to transform it into what today is know as the Theater-Museum Dali which, according to his own words , was «an absolute surrealist subject». The museum shows a unique amount of works and seasons of the artist and includes some of his most acclaimed paintings among them are: Self-Portrait with Fried Bacon (1941) and Galatea of the Spheres (1952), as well as sculptures, pottery,

During his teen age years, the Dali family used to spend their summer on the Brava Coast, in the picturesque village of Cadaqués ( 35 km from there). There Salvador had his first painting studio in a fishers house next to Port Alguer. During the time he spent in this place had the visit of good friend like Garcia Lorca and Buñuel, and also found the love of his life, Helena Ivànovna ( Known by the world as Gala), who settled in the Miramar hotel, currently known as “The Residence” to spend the summer of 1929.

Dalí reflected in his pictures the landscapes which he had so admired. The stony terrain of the Costa Brava between Cadaques and the Natural Park of Cap de Creus can be seen in works such as Girl at the Window (1925) The Spectre of Sex Appeal (1932) or Furniture Weaning Food (1934). Other no landscape elements became also part of the Dalinian universe. The Espardenyes for example, the traditional footwear of the county, which was part of some of his sculptures, jugs and breads pagès that used to introduce into their creations as an allegory of "art as food."

The route of the Empordà's artist is still in the small seaside village of Portlligat - two kilometers from Cadaqués - where Dali and Gala moved in during 1949 after his retirement in New York. His house, which nowadays is a museum, again shows that Dali 's Surrealism was reflected not only in his works, but also in his life. The labyrinthine architecture, the multicolored rooms and a kitsch decor – which also included a stuffed polar bear - were the love nest and the creative studio of the couple for more than three decades. Portlligat 's Museum House has just opened a new exhibition space, the Tower of the Pots, where Dali used to work on his pottery and sculptures.
Starting from the seaside house of the couple, in Portlligat, and continuing with the inside of the Empordà it is possible to meet more enclaves of the Route of Dali. Fifty kilometers we can get to the Sanctuary dels Angels, Raised on a hill and surrounded by pine trees. There, betraying his exhibitionism, Gala and Dalí had got married in secret and in the strictest privacy in 1958.

Decades later, The artist’s wife wanted to retire from the public life due to the wedding celebrated at Pubol's Castle, 10 km from the sanctuary, where Gala had moved when she turned 76. She was in charge of the decorating with certain esthetic that reminded her of her aristocratic Russian origin. The muse of the genius have past away in 1982 and, after being embalmed, was buried in the crypt of the castle, dressed in an elegant red dress designed by Dior. Next to it was another crypt which was initially built for the burial of Dalí. But it is still empty empty, as the Empordà's genius decided, during his last days, that he wanted to eternally rest in the museum of his ,hometown, Figueres and had ordered to built a mausoleum in one of its rooms. He was buried in 1989, exactly 25 years ago.

                                                       Problems translating.

I would say that the problem I have faced the most it is being scared of losing the intention of the article, while translating. It was also difficult to understand few words in Spanish due to not knowing their meaning, I have had the same problem with some expression that come from Spain. I could say that as I kept myself translating it I started to feel more confident and was able to do it faster.

For doing my translation I tried to avoid a translation program, I rather tried to see the meaning of the words I did not understand in Spanish and then see their context in order to find the right word for not losing the intention of the article.

                                      Difference Among Method, Strategy and Technique



Strategy is the way of developing a task following specific items that have been set by us.
For example : an strategy for translation could be analyzing first the vocabulary you might not know in order to find out its meaning and in this way being more contextualize to do a better translation
A method does not have to be plan, in fact it is already set. It is often used for routines. And practically explains how something is mean to work, or be done. It involves specific practices and steps.

E.g. The Callan Method is a way for learning English, it has specific steps and students and teachers are mean to follow it up.
A technique could be define as the tricks we use to develop our task.
Sometimes some people might use a translation program such as google translate, so he/she would have to fix what has translated.

When making use of a technique it is pivotal to apply our skills for developing it correctly.



Ulya R. (2011). What is the difference between Strategy, Technique,Method and approach in terms of teaching? Retrieved on: 1/7/16 from:

National Geographic.(2014). El Triángulo de Dalí en el Empordà. Retrieved on : 1/7/16 from:

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